Styrofoam - A Short Album About Murder (2001)


O belga Arne van Petegem é o homem por detrás do projecto Styrofoam, uma evolução do seu anterior nome Tin Foil Star. Se no tempo de TFS Arne se pautava por uma aproximação experimental ao electropop fundindo-o com elementos folk (algo que vem com ele dos tempos em que tocava em bandas de indie rock), com Styrofoam os sintetizadores ganharam mais destaque e controlam agora todos os aspectos da produção, incluindo os vocals que enchem este álbum.

A Short Album About Murder é muito cinematográfico, quase como se contasse uma história ao ouvinte - as músicas funcionam como cenas desse "filme", tendo cada uma uma envolvência muito própria, um "cenário" distinto - e embrenham-no no que parece ser um drama de amores e desamores. O toque poético dado aos nomes das peças ajuda a criar um certo misticismo ao redor da obra.

Mas descendo à Terra um pouco, e apreciando os processos de produção do álbum, podemos dizer que estamos ante um dos melhores álbuns de IDM do ano, com Styrofoam a conseguir acrescentar elementos de apreciação a um subestilo de IDM já um pouco desgastado, o do ambient. Consegue-o através de melodias etéreas, fazendo recordar nomes grandes do género como os Boards of Canada, misturadas com "tweaked beats". Projectos como King Q4 ou Bola são referências obrigatórias neste trabalho, assim como os Arovane (cujo Uwe Zahn vocaliza a primeira música do álbum). Deixemos o próprio Styrofoam descrever algumas das suas músicas:

no matter what
Arne: This was supposed to be one of the instrumental songs on the original ep, until I decided to add some vocals the day before mastering. Uwe Zahn (arovane) was kind enough to record these in his studio. He has a very nice studio. There's also a nice strings section on this track which I really like. It's about love and destruction.

it's just that we don't show it
Arne: This track used to be called failure to deliver until I changed the title so it would fit in better with the rest of the album's titles. There's a small hiphop a capella sample saying "took me 360 days", and I thought naming the track failure to deliver would be somewhat hilarious. I think there's a lot of humour in this album but maybe it doesn't really show so well. It's about trying and not succeeding.

bad night is falling
Arne: This is the track that inspired me to get the short album about murder album title, because of the line "wishing everybody dead" at the end of it. There's also this little sigh at the very end which sounds very funny. It's the track I finished last the day before leaving to berlin. It's about past failures.

if you tell me the truth i will kill you
Arne: I think this is my favourite track on the album. I did this one at a very nice studio at my job using lots of software stuff (which is very different from my normal working methods). A few days after this was finished I got kicked out of the studio (for private use at least) :( There's a sample from my favourite movie at the end of this track, which really kills me everytime I hear it. The sample was recorded from the web through an iBook's little speaker onto a md walkman with the md's headphones acting as microphone and than mixed into the track with a dj mixer, also the day before mastering the album. It sounds really nice. Sometimes it's better not to tell the truth. It's about wanting to forgive but not being able to.

by anybody else i mean you
Arne: I think this is Thomas's (Morr) favourite track. It's probably the most upbeat and poppy I've done so far and I will ever do. I've played lots of live sets over the summer and fall of 2000 and this together with no matter and it's just that were always in there. It's about walking over to the next one.

Nota 9 de 10

Morr Music





::::colectivo peel::::